Please keep in mind that as a black woman there are certain things you must do to maintain. I know it sucks, and no black woman wants to do it, but unless you are going natural you need a relaxer. Somebody please tell Zoe Kravitz's black ass to get a perm. She doesn't have the luxury to wake up and go (Hi Viva). You know she can afford a silk scarf to wrap her head at night before bed, if not I have plenty to give her. Hair products that all black girls should have in their bathroom:
. An Emergency Perm: You never know when those kitchens will start to act up.
. Jam: You know for those problem sides, and your baby hair.
. Brown Gel: If there is no Jam, that good ol' beauty supply $1 brown gel will do.
. Silk Scarf: You better get to wrapping before bed!
. Satin Pillowcase: Just in case you don't have time to wrap.
. Flat iron: Anything but a Golden Hot, it will burn your shit out!

Black Bitches Rock! Tomorrow is for my white girls...
thats all you Viva!
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