Once at prom, couples stroll around sweaty palm to palm. The d.j. plays something slow from Chris Brown, as the crowd sways from side to side. What a wonderful night?
When prom is over, back seats double as the Motel 6. Girls are cajoled into performing fellatio, car windows are steamed, and V-cards are given away. This is also the night when girls who actually vow to keep their "virginity" let guys do anal, and they believe deep down in their hearts that they're still "untouched".
Wow, so much has changed since high school. Now it's not prom we're getting dressed up for, its the club. We don't need back seats, we have our own apartments. And guys don't have to trick us into fellatio, we just offer it up because we believe "he's the one". We really think a quick blow job will push him into a swift proposal. Take me back to the days when blow-jobs and back seat sex had some innocence. Hook-ups had no hidden agenda. Fuck, I'm almost 30!
1 comment:
"Guys anxiously await heading to the mall to reserve the finest polyester tuxedo that money can rent". lmao!
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