Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Are You Kidding Me...?

Was she really serious when she went to a salon and asked for this?  Either Stevie Wonder did her hair, or her stylist played the shit out of her.  The cunt of a beautician who did this to her was laughing like shit when she walked out.  If she actually payed for this service, she needs a refund...A.S.A.P.  All traffic came to a halt at the intersection of 14th and U when this bitch stepped foot onto the street.  You all know what the funniest thing is, she actually has a 9 to 5.  With hair like that though she should be a tattoo artist, or a teenage goth rave girl.  We all know there are no raves anywhere near Benning Road!  It looks like there roaches are gonna crawl from out of there.  Im scared for her...


Mr. Fabulous said...

What the F##K is right...what in the hell... I am absolutely speachless on this one.

Howard C.

Macastil said...

OMG - HAHAHHAHA!!!! The funny thing is!!! She actually thinks, That's the SH^T.. She looks A HOT Mess!!! She can't be from DC maybe Utah or Washington State.

Joey Bahamas said...

You know what the shade is about this. She will be on that nine to five wondering why she's not being promoted and claiming it's because she's black...when really, it's because she's a n!@#$%....