Friday, July 04, 2008

Crush of the Week: Rihanna

You go Rihanna! This Island chick is on fire right now. Between her new single 'Take a Bow' jumping from #53 to #1 in a week (thank you Ms. Ne-Yo), and her relationship with Ms. Christina Brown, she's doin' it. Also, hats off to the girl for finding her own style. Her punk alternative mixed with designer works for her. She does it right!
I'm not saying that she has the best voice, but she has definitely improved. During those "Pon de Replay" days, she made my ear drums bleed. Now, not so musch...It's tolerable. At least she's on key. Check out my new jam. It's on quite heavy rotation on my I-pizzle.


Happy Fourth Guys! Make sure you go out and see a Will Smith movie or something?

1 comment:

Chet said...

I dig Rihanna in fact I was playing "Breaking Dishes" just the other day.