Monday, August 18, 2008

Black Men Running in Slow Motion...

This has been pretty much the only thing I've been keeping up with on the Olympics. There is something about fine black men running in spandex that slay my heart. Also, I don't want anybody telling me that it's a coincidence that Walter DIX, and Tyson GAY are taking part in the same event (blank stare).  Congrats to all who placed, and took home medals.  Call me if you need them polished or anything...

 Holla at me Walter...

**Sidebar** You know what we need in the Olympics? We need a rough tradey ass hood mother-fucker to punish Micheal Phelps in swimming. I mean one with a ghetto ass family that would be in the stands dancing and eating barbeque. Wouldn't be over if he swam in a North Face, True Religions with 2 Sidekicks clipped to his waist, a skully, Nike boots, a "Jesus piece", a Jacob watch,  and a "No Bitchassness" T-shirt and still won? I would get so much life...Can we work on that? I can just hear it now, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Deondre Jenkins has just won the men's heat." Can't you see him "cranking that soldier boy" for the camera? I would lose it!


Acoustic Soul said...

Your sidebar is funny as hell! Deondre Jenkins has requested "Crank that soldier boy" instead of his country's national anthem.

All hell would break lose!

Cup-o-Noodles said...

LOL... Deondre Jenkins.... roflol.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

man they were battling

One Man’s Opinion said...

You know you need Jesus, right. I am totally new to your blob but I thought I'd just let you know. He's free, you know. Jesus...He's free and he comes with a money back guarantee.

Seriously you got me wishing for some foolishness like that. It would be all over the news, with hater-aid.

DIK and GAY. Thank goodness these fellow can run, because their next career choices would have been stripper or porn star. LOL

MP said...

LMBAO! Watching deondre embarrass the shit out of me would be the higlight on my life! It's only funny on paper though. I pray to God that when that day comes there is some intelligence and class in Mr. Jenkins!

theoriginalblowersdaugtr said...

LMAO @ Deondre Jenkins! Where do you come up with this stuff? I feel sorry for Walter. Imagine how much his ass must've been teased in school with a name like that.