Does anyone happen to know these trades? They are lost and need to returned to their natural habitat..(Haaa). They were conjuring outside of the late-night Chinese food spot the other night and were slightly "getting in". I grabbed a cigarette from the dreaded piece's hand and told him that he shouldn't be smoking. He asked me why, and told me that he was sure I did things that were bad for me too! It was over. It was also over for the restaurant to give him a to-go cup for his alcohol. That restaurant is so over! They also serve you your cocktails like this...
...In big ass gravy Tupperware containers. That is Howard by the way, and this is why he lives for that place. Oh, they also serve alcohol until 7 a.m. They might as well not stop, huh?
Speaking of alcohol...
This man was so over. He was drinking DOWN on the train, mind you it was 10 a.m. in the morning. He couldn't see worrying about the 100 dollar fine for drinking, or the citation for having an open container of alcohol in public. When you're drunk, most things you just don't give a fuck about! I live!
Yes for those two pieces!!! They are cute, boots. I love when the trade gets flirty too! Never will you go to the Chinese restaurant for 3 chicken wings and a side of trade...ovah!
Howard is such an! I caught your shade though Q. You've yet to divulge the name of that spot (from what I can remember) and that's just selfish! LOL
lol they're cute tho!
Oh my god I had the other one's father in the back of HECHTS' way back in the 80s, or was it woodies bathroom, I can't remember...
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