Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Scratch And Sniff...

 So the other day I was über later for work and decided to hop into a
 cab. Everything was fine until the cabbie pulled off and got a wiff of his funky ass. I was waiting for gas masks to drop from the ceiling or some shit? He smelled like wet cool ranch Dorritos dipped in shit! I tried my best to bury my face in my own bosom to try to catch a wiff of my Creed, but it wasn't working. No human being should have b.o. like that. He definitely needs to schedule a doctors appointment, because it smelled like one of his organs had shut down or something. I know this for sure, the next time I see him on the streets, the girl is fleecing!


Anonymous said...

This is the most inconsiderate blog I have ever read. Please be my friend… please!

Q said...

that is so over....!