Friday, October 03, 2008

Chainsaw Massacre...

Oh my goodness, if I were a lumberjack I would use this chainsaw. I
would be the gayest lumberjack on earth! I would wear fur and leg
warmers and muffs and things. I mean I would saw down every tree that
would even think about growing, and I would work to the same song
everyday, Aretha Franklin's "Chain of Fools". I live...


Acoustic Soul said...

You are so damn wild! This is too much!

Are you gonna have on jewelry too?

Joey Bahamas said...

That's slightly shade!

Promiscuous X said...

Lol You got to be kidding me Q LMAO...

LMMFAO @ working to Aretha

Anonymous said...

Your blog gives me so much life!! It's everything I need and more.. I'm glad I found it today. ;-)