Friday, August 01, 2008

Run, Save Yourselves I'm almost 30...

So with 26 days left in my 20's, I have decided to go out and enjoy myself.  After August 27th, I will be moving into an assisted living complex.  You know, the usual shuffle board and bingo.  Dinner will be posted on a monthly calendar, and boy will I be so happy for Thursdays, it's tater tots and meat loaf...Until then I'm gonna party my ass off.  

This is what I don't want to become!  Welcome to "Shirtless Men Drink Free" Thursday at The Fireplace.  I was about to start this man a tab on me and ask him to please put on his shirt.  Was he kidding?  He actually wasn't, that was the sad thing.  There should really be strict stipulations to these "shirtless" nights at these gay bars.  We'll see if we can work on that...

After The Fireplace Howard and I went to The Fab Lounge.  The cocktails were lethal.  I couldn't even finish it.  It tasted like the bartender just put ice cubes in the glass and poured unleaded fuel in it.  I couldn't see drinking all of it, besides I had to rise for work.

After the Fab Lounge Howard and I went to FLY.  It was cute, I hadn't been there in a long time.  I ran into a couple of friends I hadn't seen in a while.  That's Shane and Alex.  Can you believe Alex has a teenage daughter?  She always slays.  She couldn't see not giving the girls a Louboutin or a Blahnik.  

That's me with two random chicks from the club, I was giving Nicole Ritchie (pre-baby, post Rachel Zoe).  They came up to me and told me that I was "fierce".  Fuck that fag from last seasons Project Runway for making straight women everywhere believe that all gay men say "fierce".  I mean we do, but I don't want them to know that.  

Again, random guy in the club who wanted to try on my glasses.  I warned him that they were Louis and made him sign a brief waiver, he acquiesced.  

When White Girls Attack...

Ok, so after FLY, Howard and I went to Andalu.  They D.J. was off the hook.  He played hella hot remixes.  The video below is of a white girl in "Rhythm-less Nation" getting her Lollipop remix on son.  Check out towards the end how she caught me out taping her.  I live!

Have a great weekend, See you guys on Monday!


Joey Bahamas said...

Q...where did you get those jeans from?!?!?!?!

theoriginalblowersdaugtr said...

for a white girl, she actually did pretty good, managed to catch the beat on every other move and shit. not bad!

Q said...

They are Szubi from Denim Bar. Joe, you could work those out! They also came in purple and blue! Get in!

Mr. Fabulous said...


Darling, darling, darling, we definitely did it up AGAIN, that night.

Joey B, that picture doesn't even began to tell the story of Quincy's jeans...I tell you Shakera had no idea what she was saying when she said the hips don't lie. Quincy's cakes were standing at attention all night. It was like I had a moving table to rest my drink on all evening.

Can some one please tell us, when did 1223 become some ghetto hoodrat venue on Thursdays? We arrived expecting SPANK and neither of us could see going in after peering through the front door.


Howard C.
DCMF Magazine

Corey Keith said...

You better enjoy the final days of your twenties!