A definite advantage to taking the trade, I mean the train, is the over trade! If D.C. isn't good for anything, we do have our fair share of over pieces. This weekend, they all happened to have dreads, whatever that is about? None the less, they punished, and I had to share.
Right, So Friday gave work, work, work... As i told you guys before I'm enjoying the last days of my youth, Remember? I was a tad tired when I got home, but I took at 'Donna Summers Disco Nap', and it was cute for me when i rose. Norman had a friend visiting from Baltimore, they had dinner and went to The Fireplace. I came to meet, but just managed to see Norman before he left. He was at the end of his gay bar rope. You know the sweet baby doesn't give all of that. His friend Jeremy btw, who i can be best described as Old Testament Jesus meets Rosie Perez meets The Tasmanian Devil meets Kevin Aviance was ready to roll. In the midst of much snapping and "honey" calling I made out that he was going to Fuego the Latin club on New York Avenue. I bid him traveling mercy and sent him in his way. Oh, I forgot to mention that I picked up Dwayne on the way to the bar. He was fresh off of work, and high from his recent promotion. Congrats! We went in to the bar had drinks, met Hadi there, and decided to hit it to LIV. We arrived at LIV at around 1:45 only to see everyone filing out. We parked and walked up to get the T. Bomb scare? That is the ruler. Someone actually called in a bomb threat to blow up LIV. They should blow that bitch up and start from scratch. Queens do the most, I'm sure it was a fierce conjure. We actually went back to The Fireplace briefly before Dwayne had to leave us. Hadi and I got down on some pizza before taking it in.
Right, So Friday gave work, work, work... As i told you guys before I'm enjoying the last days of my youth, Remember? I was a tad tired when I got home, but I took at 'Donna Summers Disco Nap', and it was cute for me when i rose. Norman had a friend visiting from Baltimore, they had dinner and went to The Fireplace. I came to meet, but just managed to see Norman before he left. He was at the end of his gay bar rope. You know the sweet baby doesn't give all of that. His friend Jeremy btw, who i can be best described as Old Testament Jesus meets Rosie Perez meets The Tasmanian Devil meets Kevin Aviance was ready to roll. In the midst of much snapping and "honey" calling I made out that he was going to Fuego the Latin club on New York Avenue. I bid him traveling mercy and sent him in his way. Oh, I forgot to mention that I picked up Dwayne on the way to the bar. He was fresh off of work, and high from his recent promotion. Congrats! We went in to the bar had drinks, met Hadi there, and decided to hit it to LIV. We arrived at LIV at around 1:45 only to see everyone filing out. We parked and walked up to get the T. Bomb scare? That is the ruler. Someone actually called in a bomb threat to blow up LIV. They should blow that bitch up and start from scratch. Queens do the most, I'm sure it was a fierce conjure. We actually went back to The Fireplace briefly before Dwayne had to leave us. Hadi and I got down on some pizza before taking it in.
Saturday morning. Work, work, work... It was the last day of our fiscal year, so my boss was up my ass to try to "push it" and sell as much as I can. Normally, I don't mind when someone is up my ass, but this wasn't cute. I was tired and still slightly buzzin'. I managed to endure the work day
After work, I conjured a meal at my local sushi restaurant. When they see my coming the waitress always scurries to clear my table, and to have my sprite ready. The sushi is good, and they show the girls grace.
Sunday gave work, work, work... After work I met up with Normie, Syd, Tish, and Syd's cousin at Asia Nine. The food was cute, but we all decided that we were still hungry, and went to Ruth Chris for dessert. We all shared the apple tart, it was over! I made it home in time to conjure with trade via telephone, and took it to the pillow. Pretty mild weekend Eh?
Damn, I was going to make an "up in your ass" joke, but you beat me to it. I hate that. LOL
So, tell me how you know the guys are trade...and can you explain trade for me? Maybe I don't get it......
So, you are turning 30...i am turning 40.....Leo's rule! Virgo's suck!
"One Man", I'm always the first to make an "up in the ass" joke. Also, trade is just a term used for a straight male, and I couldn't see Leo's being better than Virgos!
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