Monday, April 28, 2008

Awww Skeet Skeet Muthafucka...

I mean, should safe sex campaigns start to mention something about proper disposal of condoms?  While walking around near Metro Center the other day, I nearly almost stepped on this used jimmy.  Im so ecstatic that whoever participated in public outdoor sex cared to be safe, but was it too much to ask to discard of it properly?  And, why didn't whoever used this "go green", and wash it out and re-use it? (Im so kidding right now...Please don't do that!!!!)   So, people watch where you walk around the city.  No one needs jizz on their pumps, well unless you're into that...

1 comment:

Mr. Fabulous said...

Now that's just nasty...ewww.

Howard C
DC's Most Fabulous Magazine