Sup Fuckers, the weekend was pretty cool. After work on Friday, Normie and I went to see 'Not Easily Broken', the new T.D. Jakes movie. Bishop Jakes better stop playin'. I don't think the Lord called him to make movies. That's definitely not a ministry he should pursue.

Not only was the plot line boring, Taraji Henson blew me with bad acting, and I also missed the only shirtless scene of Morris Chestnut's. Not to mention we went to Chinatown to see it, and it was kinda urban--well besides the extremely overweight white man that Norman sat me by who was breathing so heavily throughout the movie. I kept my cell close because I didn't know if I had to dial 911 or not. Norman didn't think the movie was that bad, but I'm gonna have to put it on a worst list right above Monique's "Phat Girlz". Sorry Bishop...
Anyways, Saturday work was work. Later on that night, I had plans to travel to VA to a lounge for a co-workers birthday. We went to Guarapo at Arlington Courthouse.

That's Ms. Thomas on the far left, it was her birthday. She twirled! The place was cute, and we had a blast.

My brother Borzou came out to play along with my sister Nik.

This is me competing in the "Strongest Queen Ever" competition. Don't get it twisted, I'm a small piece of leather, but I'm well put together. You know what, at second glance it kinda looks like I'm giving my brother a prostate exam. I'll post the results tomorrow...
Yesterday I was a little out of it at work. I don't think the food agreed with me from Saturday night, because it made me do some very unlady-like things on the toilet if you know what I mean. Only because my stomach was in knots, the day seemed to drag on for weeks. It was the longest day ever. I finally found myself in bed watching the boring Golden Globes and eating Moby Dick's. Oh no, its the name of a carryout, not a trade.

I don't even have to say anything besides damn Braylon Edwards! You know I likes me a trade in a suit. He definitely wears it well.
He also wears this well too...

Ooop! He had to do this picture for the queens. We know your number boy!
Oh no, I wasn't prepared to move to Cleveland...
The movie was not that bad, if you can listen to Britney Spears in her prime or otherwise then you can deal with a little chittlin circuit movie such as Not Easily Broken. However, I must admit i knew that Bishop Jakes was up to no good when the movie started without one preview of better films to come.
Oh, I know you're not going to tell me you don't remember me telling you about Braylon Edwards.
I told you about that lady way back in the spring.
Thanks for the movie review! I haven't heard much about it and couldn't pick up on the plot from the previews but I can tell you I'm all done with Tyler Perryesque movies for a while. What happened to good black cinema like The Wood, The Brothers, Love Jones that showed eccentric black yuppies one the rise? I'm done RSVP'n to large screen pity parties. But it sounds like you had a relaxed weekend. I can't wait to see whats in store.
sorry the movie was a bust. The pics are nice...
Question, how could you miss the shirtless scene?
Yes the movie was that bad Anonymous (Norman)!
No prob Marc, I wouldn't want you to waste your ten bucks!
Okaaay Fuzzy, the shirtless scene would have perhaps saved me.
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