Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Recession Ramen, Recession What?, and R.I.P...

So the other day I decided to do a bit of grocery shopping.  While strolling down the aisles I stumbled across what was called a "Souper Meal".  It was basically a Cup 'o Noodles on steroids.  That container of noodles was big as hell, and guess what, it was only a dollar.
During these tough economic times, more and more we see manufacturers produce cheaper food with little or no nutritional value.  With companies folding everyday, McDonald's profits have skyrocketed due to the old faithful dollar menu.  It's a shame that in this country eating healthy fresh meats and veggies are more expensive than fatty processed astronaut food.  Sorry to say, but when this country finally emerges from this recession we are gonna have so many depressed, over-weight, clogged arteried, sloppy, greasy motherfuckers than ever before.  Everybody just walking around with Big Mac's in hand, how dreadful.  This is where you put down your fork...


Just in case you have an extra $1500 lying around, myself and Balmain could help you blow it.  These jeans are the ruler, and people couldn't see not buying them as if the were priced like a Levi.


In 2001 Chandra Levy, an intern who was visiting D.C. turned up missing while walking her dog in Rock Creek Park.  Later on her skeletal remains were found.  Now this week, the man who murdered her has been identified.  Actually he is already in jail for killing two other women in that same park.  I'm so happy for Chandra's family, and can only imagine their grief, but you mean to tell me that...

...can't nobody find out who the hell killed Tupac and Biggie?  
I'm just sayin'...


John the Scribe said...

Sad but true. Clogged-arteried motherfuckers! I love it. You are too much.

Cup-o-Noodles said...

I love ramen. It's the asian in me. lol....

Joey Bahamas said...

No shade though...the giant has lean cuisine, 5 for $10 and healthy choice steamers, 4 for $10...that's a weeks worth of food for $20. No matter the economy summer is around the corner...put that Big Mac down....luv!!


deonte' k said...

I feel you on the biggie and tupac thing????