"Goo-Goo Gaga"
Wow, Sandra Bullock has had a roller coaster year. First she wins an Academy Award, then she finds out that her husband was cheating on her with this...

...and now Sandra has revealed that she's a mother. Sandra and Mayor of "Doucheville", Jesse James, both adopted an African American baby boy back in January. The couple wanted to keep it a secret until after the Academy awards, but soon after, word of James' infidelity hit the fan.
Bullock is now in the process of filing for divorce, and also planning on asking for sole custody of little Louis (named after Louis Armstrong).

I'm so happy for Sandra, and I hope that everything works out for her. At least she has a baby to take care of to keep her mind off of the divorce madness.
Could I just say one thing about the PEOPLE magazine cover shot before I go? Sandra looks amazing, and the baby is adorable, but why did they have to drape those damn African beads around the baby's neck? The baby isn't African, that little pooper was born in New Orleans! I can see if they put Mardi Gras beads on him, but African? I don't know how I feel about that?
Anyways, kudos for Sandra for adopting here in the states. Lord knows why we go to Malawi to adopt when we have hundreds of thousands of kids here in America without homes? No offense Madonna and Angelina.

Check out the Esquire article written by Lady Gaga's friend Brendan Sullivan. Sullivan is a DJ who has been by Gaga's side ever since '96. He writes about her very interesting rise to fame. This chick was destined to be a star!

Read the entire article here...
Louis Smith

Normally I'm not with that gay gymnast shit son, but Louis Smith is waaaaay to hot to trot. Smith recently took home the silver at the at the European Artistic Gymnastics Championships. Back in Beijing (the country, not the hair dye) 2008, the hottie was the first to became Britain's first individual Olympic medalist in 100 years and only the second black male gymnast to win an Olympic medal.

Oh, and then he has a body like this...

"Shorty sent a twit pic, said come and get this..."


Nice form.
Excuse me, I'll be back (runs to take cold shower).
Congrats, Louis!
"Housecunt" Thursday: The "How You Doin" Edition...
You all know my ace Nikki by now, she needs no introduction. As I type, she's in New York prepping to see the 'Wendy Williams Show'. Well, I'll just let her tell you...
It's me bitches! Darling Nikki aka Mean Girl aka "Miss I still have
my feet on the ground, I just rock Louboutins!" So did you miss me?
Of course you did! It's not polite to stare... Yes this lipstick is
ORANGE, and no I'm not wearing a bra!

I ran my ass out the house at 3:40
this morning to jump in the car with Erika to catch a 4 am train, and
didn't realize I had titties jumpin' everywhere! Oh well, these two monkies
won't stop my show!
So I'm on Amtrak headed to NYC...
...to catch a taping of the Wendy Williams show with
fellow House Cunt Erika!

Talk about waking up with the chickens... I
thought I was gonna have to go postal on Erika for texting me 593,746
times before 3am, which is the reason I forgot my bra. But look at her ass, she sure does have on one. Those breast are stacked Son!

Speaking of House
Cunts, LuAnn (the whore of the NY Housewives) will be today's guest
along with Holly Robinson Peete. I wonder if "countless" LuAnn will
finally write a tell all about her sexcapades. Speaking of reality
shows let me go ahead and give you that southern Nikki G. tea!
Brandy and Ray J
Brandy & Ray J's show is only interesting because we can't figure out
how in the hell is Brandy one of the stars of the show, but her "best
friends" hair game is tighter than hers! Can someone please confiscate
all lace front wigs from that child? Her edges look like pubic
hairs! Beyonce should be the only person in the world allowed to wear
them. PERIOD.

Basketball Wives
Basketball "Wanna Be" Wives is just a train wreck that I love
watching! From staring at "Jabba Jaws" fuck up those ribs in Phillipe
Chow with those God awful dentures, to his insecure "Chanel bag"
carrying wife wearing them damn grey contacts!

Now I've worn a few contacts in my day, but I'll be damned if I sport those bitches on national
television. Where is a good friend when you need one? They need to bring
Rashidah Ali around more often to keep the bitches on their toes.
You never know what's gonna come out that broads mouth!
Tiny and Toya
Tiny & Toya is another must see show. It makes me like Tiny even more.
My tear ducts got a little moist when she sang with her father (even
though I stared at her lips the whole scene).
I'll tell you what, If her dad don't remember shit else, he has those songs stored in long term
memory! Y'all can say what you like about Tiny but she has the man and
the money. Fools even had me thinking "you can have whatever you
like" when I used my man's credit cards on SAKS.com (and I was later
cut off after he received the bill... still rocking my ish though)!
Housewives of New York
What about Bethenny snubbing Jill? That's what
that Fire Crotch gets! Bringin' her red headed step child ass
outside of M2 rocking that runway brown Herve Leger dress! Bethenny paid
her ass no mind! Who appointed Jill president of the wives? I
can already tell that I'm gonna love Sonja... She's a little cougar
(waving at Erika)!

And to close this shit out... Did y'all hear about Usher getting ol'
girl Grace Miguel knocked up? Ain't that bout a bitch? That negro
gives all women who want to date him hope! Usher loves
older women. I bet they keep a few bottles of KY Jelly in the night stand! Or maybe not, Grace might have that wet wet?
Follow me on Twitter everyday for more rude shit talking @hellonikki2010. Also, watch Wendy Williams today. You might just see? I'll be the one with the fresh roller set, and the vernis Alma. FUCK WIT IT!

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