Tuesday, July 08, 2008

"Mama Said That's A Knock-Off", and "Mama Said Knock Me Up"...

Please don't shame the Chanel.  Please!  I will go on record to say that this is the worst Cambon  bag knock-off that I have seen to date.  Those aren't even interlocked "C's"?   Why wasn't she scared to wear that in public?  I would fear Andre Leon Talley clocking me, and throwing whatever color paint was in fashion at the moment all over me.  You all know I love fashion, but I'm not  a label queen.  I just don't understand why she didn't go buy a bag of comparable price that was real leather from The Gap, or Target.  They have great leather bags that are cute as shit.  She on the other hand, opted for this highly flammable douche bag.  It's baffling to me that she handed over real U.S. currency in exchange for that thing.   Stevie Wonder could see this fake coming.  Maybe I'm more offended because I sell the real things, and people have the nerve to come into the department and try to "walk on us" with knock-offs.  Girl, try again!  Coco Chanel would roll over in her grave, but I'm sure she made CoCo T extremely happy.  


"Mama Said Knock Me Up..."

Oh, The blood of Jesus!  I don't know if any of you have seen L.L. on the cover of this months 'Men's Fitness', but get into that.  He definitely is a man, and he's damn sure fit.  It seems like he keeps getting better with age.  Snaps to his wife for snatching up that piece early.  I was only a little cunt back in the day when L.L. would wear those track suits and prance around on stage with his meat jumping for all to see.  I would geek out every time I would see that video of him in that red track suit.  What video is that again?  If you know it, please let me know.  I need to re-live moments of my teen years.  Oh, and Kenneth hands off!  L.L. is definitely mine!


Don Ke said...
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Don Ke said...

Thats fine big brother, as long as you stay away from Jim Jones!!!

Q said...

Fine Kenny! Jimmy is yours!