Monday, July 06, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up--The Fourth of July Edition, You're a Pro, Don't Hurt 'Em, and Oh God!

I'm hoping that everyone had an amazing 4th of July. Mine was good. I had to work the WHOLE motherfucking weekend. I'm not mad or anything (side eye)... Anyways, on Friday I came home and crashed. I had a couple of parties to go to, but I couldn't. Boyfriend number 1 kept me up half the night playing Connect Four (that's the new name for "it"). I was a walking zombie at work, but a smiling walking zombie. On Saturday, work was a morgue. I literally saw tumbleweeds go by at one point.
After work, I had numerous invites for cookouts, but nothing was really set in stone. When my sister Nat invited me over, I knew that I had to go. I missed Mom, and couldn't resist tasting sister's take on my sangria recipe. We had a blast! Between that amazing seafood salad, the fireworks, and the amazing LV drag show that my sister put on I was full in every way! After Nat's, I went to a party that was held in an abandoned building on Wisconsin Ave in upper Georgetown. It was uber cute, and so where the boys. There was 4 levels which included a rooftop where you could see an awesome view of the monument. Did I mention there were cute boys...

I wanted to have this trade's baby. I don't care if he didn't have a job, I would collect the beatest welfare check of all! He was so fine, and I was willing to fight my sister Joey for him.
After the party we went next door to a greasy spoon and grabbed a bite to eat. Before I knew it, it was 4:30 a.m., and i had to work in just a few hours. Talk about Needless to say, I was late for work. I arrived looking fresh and rested, because I couldn't see breaking my sleep.
Last night I went to bed fairly early. Today it's errands, and maybe the pool (shut up Norman). Tonight it's dinner with boyfriend number 1... Get in!


I was shopping at Georgetown Park Mall last week, and came across this? It's a Proactiv vending machine. I had to do a double take. Did they seriously put this in the middle of a mall? Who in their right mind would use this? They'd be better off getting Judith Light, Lindsay Lohan, Diddy, and Vanessa Williams themselves to stand there and distribute them. I can just see a Georgetown housewife running into the mall at opening time with big Oliver People's frames and a big 'ol hat getting a Proactiv kit from the vending machine. This is a show!

This cunt never sleeps! She is always done, even when she's not done. This is Ri-Ri this past weekend out on the town. She has basically said without saying, "ANY cunt who wants to battle me, step forward!" I haven't seen anyone step forward yet. Rihanna sits ALL of the girls down. When another chick even thinks they're "doing it", Rihanna gives "Chile Please"!

Ok, so it's taken me this long to address this. As you should all know by now Jimmy Choo is partnering with H&M to do a more affordable line of shoes. I couldn't talk about it before now, but I don't think it's a good idea. Clothes interpret much better into bridge that accessories. I'm thinking it's gonna come off looking like if Jimmy Choo fucked Payless. I'm scared, and I need someone to hold me. Besides, can you imagine the fucked up feet these girls are gonna have after wearing these JC cheapies? I'm talking corns and bunions for days! It's not worth it.

Happy Monday...

1 comment:

Joey Bahamas said...

He was soooo over...and that food lasted me all day Sunday...I had a great time sister!