Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can't Touch This, I'm So Touched, When I Think Of You I Touch Myself, and Touchdown...

One wouldn't have to even be interested in fashion to appreciate Fall '09 Hermes.  Aesthetically, there's nothing wrong with this collection.  It gives us classic tailoring with a modern flair.  The color palette is genius and the mixture of different textures and fabrics take me places that I haven't been in a while.

Loves it!

Jesus be a fence all around me everyday! Ummmm, ummm, ummm...


Speaking of fashion (eyes well with tears), oh hold on, let me get a tissue (starts to weep, blows nose).  My dear sweet child Brandon Parker was just signed to motherfucking Ford Models in NYC.  I'm so proud of him.  I know how hard it's been, but now you are about to rock. 

As RuPaul says on her show, "Don't fuck it up!"

Look, that child can even smile with his eyes.  He's a natural.  Congrats again.


This little fucker from Dade County, FL needs an exorcism.  He had the nerve to be beating his little meat in the backyard.  When his mother caught him, and told him to stop he punched her in the face.  He was arrested on domestic violence charges, and is still supposed to be in jail under a $500 bond.  No he shouldn't have punched his mother, but I have been mad at times when mother-fuckers have ruined my nut.  I mean, I didn't punch anybody or no shit like that, but I was mad!  Maybe his mother shouldn't have stopped him, but perhaps let him finish, and just told him not to do it again?  I'm kidding...(kinda)

Get into Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush in this month's GQ.  You can hate on Kim K. all you want, but she's standing looking at all of us with both her thumbs in her ears, and her tongue out saying "Nanny, nanny, boo-boo!"  With a dime like that on her arm, I couldn't see giving a fuck.  She got paid big time for taking Ray-J's meat on camera, and then she got an over coin for Playboy, and then she gets to go home to this... 
The girls could talk all they wanted.  Looks like she has the last laugh, and we're crying...

Also, get all over A Rod. in this month's Details.  I'm wondering if he needs someone to shime hit bat (blank stares)?

Happy Wednesday Fuckers!


Anonymous said...

Besides the models, I love the guys shoes in that first pic.

Oh and homeboy must have really been waiting for that nut because he wasn't even going to let his own mother stop him.

Cup-o-Noodles said...

Love the yellow pants. I wouldn't wear it myself, but I love it on that model.

Joey Bahamas said...

Hermes' show was pretty impeccable! And, I'm so happy for Mr. Parker. Signing with Ford is a big deal and he should be very proud of himself!


Sapphire Blu said...

kim is the baddest chick: loves her! and special k had money before the tape and playboy, so in the words of lil wayne "it ain't tricking if you got it."

a-rod: definitely would shine his bat, shoes, table and... but that's between you and me ;o)

ugh to the dude that punch his mother. that's a shame. perhaps he should get his own place and "beat it" as much as he would like.

Anonymous said...

Hermes is what dreams are made of. You only like Hermes cuz it looks like we look part in the color selection.

Brando dun got signed and ain't said one word to me.... How dreadful! I still wish him all the best, he truly stepped out on faith with his modeling career.

Kim and Reggie should never be made to put on clothes. I love the shoot, sexy and tasteful... like me. :)

Anonymous said...

Look at A-Rod being all sensuous. If he really wants to go there, I'm sure Calvin Klein or somebody would be willing to put him on a billboard in his drawers.

Curious said...

I see I'm not the only one loving those yellow pants. Although I would have no idea where I would wear them.

Q said...

Curious, I'm sure you could rock the yellow pants...

fuzzy said...

Yea I saw that story about the beatin off domestic violence thing! Its all good though cause while he's in jail... (mind wanders) lol

Those photos made my Thursday morning! lol

Ian said...

What the hell does Reggie see in Kim? Ugh!

A-Rod, is it me or does the one picture look like he's trying to make ou twith Derek Jeter, LOL? I love 'em though, so makes no never mind to me.

Will said...

Yes sir, Those yellow pants were different. I'd wear them.